
The Kiss

It seems contentment becomes or is

knowing and resting

on the spoilt coast of the kiss.

This morning jets of blossom

in the blossoming tree

spring a surprising red,

wagtails tack to the lawn

and the world throws back its head

neither knowing nor resting

the strong tree where the clear-eyed

blackbird’s whistle and nesting necessity sum,

there in the blood of blossom and bole, the sun.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

(from “The Light Of Day (I)” to be published soon)


What do you think?

Written by Jonathan Finch


  1. Thanks again. Well, I’m self-publishing this collection. They’re old poems I never submitted to the small mags. “The Light Of Day” is cos they haven’t seen any yet!