almost ready to release the madonna of chernobyl, but first let’s nail down the iconography on her rad suit so I can do a final render. and I’ve also tweaked the cooling tower textures again…
rad suit decals – WIP
Alex Ledante
11 Votes
cyberpunkdisasterdystopianecchigeiger counterhazmatnuclearpinupRadiationsexy
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I am not saying a radioactive cloud is harmless, but a meltdown leaves the area radioactive for decades…
there are types of reactors that can’t meltdown by design. you’ll see Japan using them in the near future
Yes I heard about Tomsk 5 a secret Russian town or village with a deadly accident. I don’t know anything about what happened but Russians know and I don’t .It wasn’t in the news from NZ.
the tomsk incident was at a refinery, and while an ecological disaster it wasn’t even half as dangerous as a meltdown
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It is enough to make me laugh so hard that I could cry tears of joy.
I get the opposite reaction when someone insults my intelligence…
I know what you mean about your intelligence being insulted.
I should really just relax
Due to my hypertension, I cannot blow up in anger anymore.