
Love ItLove It

Oh Fortuna!

I never really understood the words in latin, however I like this piece for the melody itself. 

An expressive human emotion sung in Latin, a classic. 

In a way a drowning man but then life seems to be like that in the human experience.  Sadness soon passes…Hold on…Although some people can never be replaced …some opportunities to come that can also not be foreseen are unexpected surprises just around the corner..

This does not express hope but if you look to the hills help will come..There is always hope. 

In Auckland we had a 5 month drought with not enough rain in sight. Yesterday afternoon and today the rain has come…

My Painting of winter for my “Seasons” painting in watercolours.

Our circumstances are not always what we want, but if we use the opportunities those circumstances give, then who knows what that can lead to..

Why I am a believer of creativity….


What do you think?

Written by Pamela Moresby


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