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Hello friends! I would like to present you a goblen that’s working! The picture can be seen as representing the mother of Jesus. Gobelin is a work of art (famous or not) transposed on canvas. The canvas is made up of thousands of points through which various colors are passed to form the final painting. Working on a goblen can last from a few weeks to a few years, depending on its size.

The gobelin is a tapestry made by stitching the sewing needle into a special cloth, usually 10×10 laced, each goblen cloth embossment representing a gobelin point. The goblen set is initially made after a photo that is processed in such a way that each goblen point corresponds as accurately as positioning and shading to a pixel in the photo.

There are gobblecases that are made after patterns on printed cloth and there are gobblers that are made by diagrams. Usually the charts made according to diagrams have much higher fidelity to the original photo.


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12 Points

Written by Lorso


  1. Thank you for sharing this tapestry. Here I have “Jesus with the Book,” “Mona Lisa,” and I’m not sure if it is the same with “The Virgin and Child”. I have to photograph them and publish them too. It takes a long time to get a goblet ready. “Mona Lisa” I embroidered him for two years.