
Chief’s Punishment Nombre Un

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With a new born dead

Chief looked like

he was had;

with face white

despite black

of mud and grime

he was trying to look sheepish

when sheep in him bayed

out came the kickass boy

with the manager

and they caught him brute

so that chief

could not escape;

to add to the brew

came in semi tribal(from Kenya)

groom of mother bereft.

He was so appalled at the loss

of little meat ball

that he came in

and spat robustly

on ground

not taking his eyes off Chief

all this while;

growls of many kind,

each resembling an animal

in Kenya forest land,

came out one by one

and to top it all he glared at chief

and chief trembled

not a bit but lot.

Now this man was tall

and resembled

burnt chimney wall

of an oven-tar deep

and scarred steep.

He was in the habit of talkin in poems.

Presently he growled to chief,” you dumb fatso,

you so much shook mah preggo

that she dropped one of the two baggos”

Now get ready I would shake ya

to tail and you would not git a bail”!

Saying that he first did an African yankee step or two

toot toot la toot toot la toot toot la

I will make a sauce outta ya bad fellah,

and then he threw a lasso trap

on chief, brought it to rest

in his feet, and then

like a powerful bloke he was

he threw the rope

over the nearby oak branch

and pulled it to tight strung

and up went chief

with head down and legs up.

Chief bobbed back and forth

with blood rushing to his face.

Kenyan then brought in a football

and beckoned all saying,”Anybody hitting

this rascal’s bobbing head direct and hard would be paid $5 per hit

by this junk. Yo Ho ! come all and take turns”.

Then Kenyan rushed and swung poor chief

hard-good for 15 minutes target practice.

A small crowd gathered and it began to hit

poor chief every now and then, by turn.

It also included few kids healthy enough to deliver pain

These kids feigning lack of aim

walked within a feet of chief and

with all force and hate

smashed the football on his nose, singing

“dick dock chalk bit bot bat-hit this man fat

so that he cannot run or even walk!”

To be cntd…..


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.