
BURN your MIND into the Pillars of the Sky

BURN your MIND into the Pillars of the Sky

let your words

become Poems

that melt with Wind

and fly

Go to the Pillars

that hold up the Sky

Hold on with arm and EYE

Pull on the lightning

Burn your Mind

in the Wind flowing By


The Poems will Roll

out from  your Soul

Write songs seen on High

Read the fiery words

written in the Scroll

with wisdom and kindness

as your Goal


What do you think?

Written by Johndavisnearby

POEMS from Earth:
Scot Irish Czech BARD Hush little Humans-Don't U CRY Earth sings U a Lullaby Born HOUSTN TX Age 80 GEM Pic1985 Rear Apt 2227 South ST

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