Best Friends Watercolor
Another in my series of paintings of zebras, I created this one after seeing two zebras caress at the local zoo. It seems a friendly hug and comforting gesture. I used masking fluid to get the hairs on the snout and eyelashes. I painted the strips with indigo blue and not black. I said it before that I hate black. It is such a flat color in watercolors and has a lifeless feel. Indigo however has a blue-black look and when watered down looks blue-grey. It was perfect for these zebras. I won an award in a local art show for this painting a few years back.
What do you think?
Very nice work.
Thank you very much Caroline. I appreciate the kind words.
Very beautiful!
Thank you very much. Sweet! Thanks for commenting.
This is fabulous
Thank you very much. I appreciate the comments.
Beautiful! They seem so loving.
I know, right? I love this one. Thanks so much for commenting.