I am fortunate enough to have went to a college (Harold Washington College) that sits within 100 meters from the Chicago Theater. One of the landmarks in our city, it was welcomed to the city in 1921, and originally known as Balaban and Katz Chicago Theatre. (Photo/Day 87)
As a bike enthusiast, I love capturing unique angles of bicycles that I see at bicycle shops. I find it quite therapeutic and intriguing viewing bikes because they are a creation by a human being, and plus they have came a long way with time. ( Photos/ Day 88 & 89)
‘God will carry you through’ by Max Lucado is a book that I just purchased from a thrift store. After recently reading ‘2012 The Bible and the End of the World’ by Mark Hitchcock, I was excited to add this book to my library collection. (Photo/Day 90)
I spoke about the Garfield Park ‘Gold Dome’ about a month ago in this writing (Garfield Park Fieldhouse: Gold Dome Building), which has everything you need to know about it. (Photo/Day 91)
Photos shared as part of the 365 Photos Challenge.
#ThomasGouard #PhotosChallenge #Photos #Chicago #ChicagoTheater #Bicycles #GarfieldPark #MaxLucado #MarkHitchcock #PhotoADay
Enjoyed each one, never been to Chicago before.
And I have many more to share. I’m anticipating the summer to come around.