
Love ItLove It

When planets align..

Bad things can happen

So easily, without you even realizing it.

Today a very strange event happened and as a matter of fact, so fast, that I did not get the chance to get a proper photo..

My cat found (or maybe brought – I will never know) a small lizard in my home

She was playing with the lizard but we decided it was best not to let her kill the poor animal, so we took it and put it outside very very carefully.

Further down the street,  there were some kids playing .. As we leave the little lizard down, there comes a girl running fast as the lightning. She manages to see the lizard and jumps over her.

We look at each other and the moment we say, ok, the lizard made it — another kid (a boy of course) runs and smashes the little animal’s head..

We played a significant role in the poor animal’s life (and death) and it all happened so fast that it was impossible to change any of the facts.

This incident made me think (again) how fragile every moment is and how we should be experiencing it.

And also .. shit will happen no matter what you do, life does not depend on you alone sometimes..

Do your best, be a cat 😛

Do you believe in luck? In fate?


Everything happened so fast that no photos were made


But I had a photo from a previous day

My little Kiki brought this small grasshoper in the house (she likes to bring me presents)

I took the grasshoper out of course, but I noticed that one of her legs was missing (bad Kiki…)

I saw it again the other day and she seemed fine, I hope that she was able to make it and fly away…


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by katerinaramm


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