Hello friendsHappy FridayWhenever I see a dandelion, I go back to childhood.We always limped and blew.My mother said that you had to make a wish.Today I have blown for all of you.What have I ordered?That this Friday we are all happy.That we have no sorrows or unpleasant surprises.May it be a day full of happiness.
hello thank you very much for the support
Happy day
thank you for your kind wishes
hello good wishes what the world wiggles
Happy day
the world wiggles and the girls giggle
I now feel like a child. After I take a picture of a dandelion I always blow it. Happy Weekend.Good start with the challenges. Well done
Hello Beautiful
your grandchildren who blow and you take the photo hehe
thank you very much for your words
I still have trouble getting up to date
happy Saturday
Love it! Good for black and White .
blow and make a wish
become a child for a second
Oh lovely piece of photography , Thank you for sharing
Have a nice Saturday friend
As a child, I loved to send the dandelion seeds to the universe. As an adult, trying to maintain a lawn, i would rather cut them down when they are still forming the seeds!
Your photographs are amazing!
Thank you
I do not have a garden so I can blow and blow.
wish and wish
and I wish you happy saturday
I thank you for the good wishes and return them to you – happy saturday!