Throughout life, we encounter circumstances which are beyond our control. These times can be overwhelming initially when an unforeseen event arises. The problem can be so complex that the solution will not be found until days or months later. Nevertheless, if you are choosing to walk the right path during your storm, then your solution will likely come from a source unbeknownst to you. The next person that you meet could possibly be the one that can solve your problem or you could be the solution for someone else that is dealing with an issue.
For example, a person could be dealing with a money issue during this holiday season. However, another person that shows empathy will donate money to certain charities or to certain organizations in order to help someone financially. One thing people have done before Christmas is to pay off everyone’s items on layaway at certain Walmart stores. Also, some unknown person always leaves a gold coin in a Salvation Army kettle in the Chicago area every year for the past two decades . I call these acts of paying it forward the concept of the unknown avengers. Here are four steps that will allow for you to help someone else out and that will allow for you to be helped out as well.

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1. Take a stand. You have to make a choice to eliminate neutrality from your life. You have to make the choice to stand up for whatever you believe in. Standing for nothing at all means that everyone else will run over you.
2. Look to help someone else. You may be needing help in a situation, but I have noticed that you will not receive help unless you are helping out someone else. Once you make the choice to not isolate yourself due to your circumstances, someone will eventually take notice of your situation and look to help you. Light is always at the end of the tunnel.
3. Keep standing. Do not choose to compromise. Continuing to maintain your posture will enhance your patience. Taking things slow will minimize the amount of mistakes that you will make.
4. Discern. You must use good judgment at all times because there are so many grey areas in life. Something may appear to be good to do, but may not be the right thing for you to do in your situation. For example, going out to eat every once in a while is fine, but going out to eat each and every night may put a dent in your checkbook. If it doesn’t, then you can send me some money.
If you are a Marvel comic fan, then you know about the group of superheroes known as the Avengers. The main goal for the Avengers is to protect the universe from utter destruction. For 2019, we must choose to protect others from chaotic situations. Choose to be the next unknown avenger.
Pic is from Link Sources: USA Today, CNN, Chicago Tribune.
a discerning eye takes years of training
Great tips for all to read about life. Nice photos.
Well done! Nice post!
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