
Cool Tech Review Olympus TG-5

Overall Rating (scale 1-10) 10

Number of Upgrades 3

(TG-1, TG-4 and now the TG-5)

Compelling upgrade  Yes

Let me start this review by saying if you are only using a cellular phone as your family camera that’s ok. Make sure you backup your pictures to a location other than the cloud service of your phone company. Have two or more copies of your pictures at all times!

The TG series of cameras are great tools. They are very tough (you can drop them). They are water proof (I have lots of underwater pictures taken with the TG camera series), and they are easy to carry.

I have a floating strap on mine just in case I drop it while on the boat. That is not the normal strap for the camera but one I added.

You are safe taking the camera as is about 30 feet underwater. One of the first things I noticed was the cameras are shock resistant. I let my kids run around family events with the TG series camera since I got the very first one. Because the camera can be dropped from 7 feet without damage.

Video works well with the camera, and they have made it 4k video now with the TG-5. Stills are excellent, and you can now do high-speed video quickly (60 fps) with a single button push.

Overall this is an exceptional camera to add to your vacation plans!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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