You may have read a bit about the angora rabbit that one of the grandsons had decided he wanted.I try to never just snap out no. I think they should learn to reason and think things out. Part of the reason he wanted the rabbit is because he wanted to make the wool and sell it.
So he came up the to house and we looked at all sorts of things on line. Both of us were a little alarmed by this one. It seemed to us a little unfair for the rabbit to have to sit still will you pulled that the hair to spin it.
We saw the next one and decided you would have to be very careful. We watched them spin the rabbit on the lazy susan and still we were afraid we night get an ear or something because we are could “see” the rabbits face. It was definitely something he said he couldn’t do himself.
Then we talked about the dogs. They have three dogs and none of them are rabbit friendly. He was certain they all could not live in his back yard. His final decision was that when he grew up and if he decided to live on a big farm or ranch he might try it.
A little education can sure help solve a lot of questions.
I use to raise rabbits & I have to say that teaching kids at a young age about
responsibilities with other animals out SIDE dogs & cats is a GOOD lesson
have them watch videos before getting one & not be ready for the outcome.
My daughters raised rabbits for a while. (One still has a lop-ear.) One of them had one identical to the one in your picture. Unfortunately it died from head tilt about a year and a half ago.