
Love ItLove It

Find Time ………

Very often in our busy everyday life we do not have time for elementary things. I accidentally found a wisdom I liked and decided to share with you.

Find the time to love, that’s the real happiness.

Find the time to think, this is the source of power.

Finding time to work is the cost of success.

Finding time to read, this is the basis of knowledge.

Find the time to dream, this is the way to the stars.

Find time to play, this is the secret of youth.

Find the time to enjoy, it’s the music of the soul.

Finding time to be nice, this is the door to satisfaction.

Find the time to enjoy, this is the reward for your action.

Find time to plan, then you’ll have time for the rest of the stuff!

Irish wisdom

© 2018 -Elenka Smilenova  All Rights Reserved


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Written by lacho59