So much color (16/20) List item Submitted to "Saying goodbye to our old park." Approved by Kim_Johnson January 12, 2018, 4:32 pm 11 Views 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin of the different vines that took over the creek side area. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Kim_Johnson 4 Comments Nice view of colourful vines 1 There were so many different ones right in this spot. So much color. 1 Think of the wildlife, the birds, their homes are gone too. 1 So many, in fact when I went the birds were flying around in circles.
Nice view of colourful vines
There were so many different ones right in this spot. So much color.
Think of the wildlife, the birds, their homes are gone too.
So many, in fact when I went the birds were flying around in circles.