Yesterday was a rite of passage in our family. We pay for college and one car. That first car isn’t much to speak of. It just so happened that Toyota had a great sale on their Yais product. So we got each of the twins their cars. The funny thing is, I picked out the cars for the twins.
It seems strange now to look back and remember the twins being small. We nearly lost one of the twins to a horrible infection shortly after birth. The Twins were seven weeks premature. We brought them home (one got sick) and went back to the hospital. We bounced between home, work, schools, and the hospital for two weeks. I don’t remember much of what happened then because I don’t know any part of that period.
When we think about the history of events in our lives, there are multiple things we consider. The first is the events. We don’t always recall events the same way. To my wife, the illness of one of the twins was something she had to fight; for me, heading to work every day, it was more something I had to suffer. There was little I could do about the situation, and I couldn’t be there every day. My wife could and represented both of us. It was a difficult time, and we learned to pull together. We did have my wife’s folks and my folks, but day today, it was the two of us as the adults facing this. We talked to doctors daily for those two weeks, and as time passed, we grew more comfortable with what was going to happen.
The other thing we have to do when we look back is we have to make sure we see things the way they were, not our memory of the moments. The reality of the prisoner of the moment issue, But in this case, with these memories, I know I have no moment that I am a prisoner of. I know overall that there are moments in that period that I recall. There are moments that I find almost shards. These are not full memories; instead, they represent the same shards of memory prices. Each one has sharp edges that catch us at times; sometimes, we have to consider those shards. The issue for me now is the reality of the fact that I know there are missing shards. What do we do with missing bits?
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Is that a Yaris? Very cute!