Since the parapet of our terrace was not high enough we never let Preiti go up there. But she sometimes hoodwinked us and would have a ball romping out there.
The lawn on the terrace is ideal for romping. A barefoot walk is ideal for us and perhaps Preiti our beloved dog perhaps knew of the benefit too. That photo shows mischief in her eyes
Preiti was an adorable pet ever so kind, and had pleasant ways. We called her a dignified lady.
Have you walked barefoot in the lawn?
She looks very happy out there in your photo. I know you miss her!
That is a cute photo and great memories. As a child my mother could not get me to keep shoes on my feet in the summertime I went everywhere in bare feet. Now I mostly wear Crocs so I can slip them off when I want to.
I get a strong feeling as a child you were spoilt rotten. Am I right? (lol)
I was a very late in life baby so of course, I was spoiled.
This lawn does not require mowing and yes your feet just sink in there.
I can see Preiti had a great time romping in the grass.
She was having a great time but not me as I was not sure if she would jump over the parapet (lol)
This sure looked like a thick luscious lawn and Preiti seems to be enjoying it tremendously….