There are losses everywhere because of lockdown but in the case of lipstick it is merely because women need not use it anymore as they will be wearing masks when they are outside of their homes.
We have no statistics but logic tells me that there could be a decrease in the sale of lipstick and therefore decrease in its manufacture. Having said that I do not think any woman would want to wear masks that have the lips with lipstick painted on them.
Even when it comes to new clothes who will need them at this point in time.
I mainly use lip balm so I continue to do that under the mask too, but I guess that lipstick and even foundation could be skipped these days.
How about wearing a mask of the kind you see in the image
I wouldn’t mind, it’s pretty cool.
Alll kinds of masks are making the rounds and users are going for them.
Today I spotted in the news what ideas some mask makers have.
There are masks that resemble faces of celebrities like our PM