The tilapia fillets that are sold at Dollar Tree are so underrated! So underrated because every time I visit Dollar Tree, I always see a box full stocked at the bottom of the freezer majority of the time when I do visit. I do love purchasing them and combining the fillets with either frozen vegetables or rice pilaf which makes an easy yet very affordable healthy meal to put together.

#dollartree #foodie #food #vegetable #veggies #fish #healthy #cheap #virily #blogger #foodblogger #broccoli #veggies
What a nice day…Enjoy 🙂
Same to you too, Hamza
that looks tasty and healthy. I love Tilapia, it is such a wonderful fish!
In Portugal (the first time I had Tilapia) they prepare it with a little olive oil, black pepper and then seared in a metal pan!
That sounds very good.
Other than catfish, it is my go to as far as fish
moving out of the middle, i have moved to Haddock and Rockfish as my go tos.
Going to look for both. Im guessing that I will love the Haddock
haddock is amazing. the tavern down the road from makes fish and chips with the haddock that is the flakiest fish and chips I’ve ever had
Just bookmarked five places with haddock on Yelp. Mostly Irish Pubs. Going to check one of them out during football season.
we went to an Irish pub in Portland Maine that had the best fish and chips!
Enjoy it with whatever you add to it.
Thanks, Hannihar. Enjoy your day