It is a joy to watch how well these cats get along. We have Lolly the eldest and then comes Pinkie, her daughter Baby, and Peppy Lolly’s younger brother.
Here they are seen lapping up milk from a bowl. They let each other have their fill – no resistance and no growling.
They climb trees together although Lolly is a bit slow as he has put on a lot of weight. They stroll in the garden together and chase squirrels and birds.
I spend a lot of time watching their activity Just as well what with warnings that we should not socialise.
Do you have pets that get along well?
No pet right now , since its not allowed here at mission site
Having pets is some kind of therapy
I do not have pets because I am too irresponsible.
We as caretakers have to sacrifice a lot to see to the happiness of our pets.