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The shape of shells – evolution or thoughtful

The shells allow the molluscs to survive in harsh conditions and withstand the tremendous pressure of the seabed. This ability to provide optimal protection has prompted engineers to investigate their form and structure in order to design vehicles and buildings to protect the people in them.

Consider the following: Engineers analyzed two types of shells – two-shell and spiral-shaped.

In bivalves it was found that ribbing on the outside directed the pressure to the joint and to the edges of the sink. On the other hand, the curved shape of the spiral shell directs pressure to its core and to its wider part. In both cases, due to the shape of the shells, the pressure is transferred to their healthiest parts, making the mollusc less likely to suffer injury.

Scientists conducted comparative tests by applying pressure to real shells and ordinary hemispheres and cones (made with a 3D printer) that resembled the shape and composition of the shells. The results revealed that the complex surface of the shells almost doubled their ability to withstand pressure compared to ordinary forms.

About the application of this study, the magazine say, “If you drive a shell-shaped car one day, it will be both attractive and designed to protect passengers.”

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The picture was taken with a phone

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  • What do you think? Did the shape of the shells appear as a result of evolution, or was it conceived?

    • as a result of evolution
    •  was intended


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11 Points

Written by lacho59


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