There is a town in our province where there is a law that prohibits the existence of a dirt road. All roads in that town should be paved by asphalt or by concrete. That is a good ordinance because the dirt road becomes muddy when it rains and not only the vehicles get dirty but also the people who walk on it.
In the capital city of our country, a dirt road is rare according to the city officials. But come the rainy season, the asphalt are broken and the road is back to being a dirt road. Old folks say that the road is the primary necessity of a town or city hence it should be the priority of the mayor. Come to think of it, what is the mayor doing?
Is there a dirt road in your city?
only in the rural towns
There are plenty around here. After the rains ( continuous rains for four months) all the asphalt has been washed away and only dirt remains.
There are a few around here.
I did not see any dirt road in my area, I think all roads are paved here.