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Hectogon is a hundred-sided polygon. It looks like a circle but circle is not a polygon. If you will draw a googolgon polygon will you still conclude that circle is not a polygon? True/False?

Let us have a quiz about polygons. Answer whether the statement is true or false.

  • Question of

    If a triangle has 3 sides then icositetragon has 23 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a quadrilateral has 4 sides then icositetragon has 24 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a pentagon has 5 sides then pentacontagon has 15 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a hexagon has 6 sides then hexdecagon has 16 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a septagon has 7 sides then septdecagon has 27 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a octagon has 8 sides then tetracontagon has 48 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a enneagon has 9 sides then tetracontaenneagon has 49 sides.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    If a decagon has 10 sides then pendecagon has 50 sides.

    • True
    • False


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by EerieBlack

John 14:1