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Writer's Solo Mug Meals

 Hi, I just know I’m not the only writer on the planet that do this for whatever reason, many who know me, know that I do the bulk of my writing in the wee hours of the night and having started so many years ago, it’s become routine for me. So, while I try and cram some semblance of normality, into my other life, I frequently miss the evening snack and have a late-night light solo meal which I make in just 2 minutes in the microwave, this has been a (delicious) thing for me, for a while now. Recently, mug meals have been getting more popular, too. Think risotto, chicken pot pie, fried rice, or even fettuccini alfredo. Simply find a recipe, get a big microwave-safe mug, pile the ingredients inside, and nuke it for a few minutes. And a delicious, piping hot dinner is ready, just like that.

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