Cats normally like to spend most of their time on laps. But not this lot They will follow me wherever I am – in the bedroom, in the garden, watching tv, working on my pc……… This guy, Lolly will even share my dining chair but if I try to pet him, he will jump off.
I clicked this photo yesterday. There he is keeping me company while I am working on my pc. I had just got up for something but he did not budge knowing I will get back.
They are indeed great pets but I do feel sad that they do not let us pet them.
Do your pet cats let you pet them?
Many cats aren’t fond of petting. They will sometimes reward us and let us pet them for a short while, but we shouldn’t overdo it, lol.
I love to cuddle pets but this lot stays away
We have a bird so we don’t have a cat. but most of my cats allowed me to pat them.
We have had cats before and they loved petting.
I don’t have any pet at the moment
Pets are a kind of therapy but they should enjoy cuddles. (lol)