It looks like the carnival and other shows that use the animals will be obsolete. The animal lovers have active groups that lobby for the banning of animals in public live shows like the carnival and the circus. What’s getting to the surface are the petting zoo where children are oriented with animals.
Come to thin of it, are animals in the show being abused or using the animals is cruelty? In the picture is a trained monkey that has antics and stunts delighting the crowd. After each sequence, the monkey is given a treat. That’s also what I see in trained dogs, they get a treat after each performance of a trick. So is it cruelty to the trained animal?
Do you enjoy watching animals in a show
most of the times I enjoy
it depends on the kind of show
Circuses in the UK are all now animal free – and a very good thing too.
I am against the use of animals in such shows.