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The Eye of a Tokay Gecko (1:1) (1979-04-15 0010_01)

Tokay Gecko, Eye (1:1) (1979-04-15 0010_01)

15 Apr 1979

Chicago, Illinois

Pentax Spotmatic  Vivitar 90/2.8 macro  Flash on camera

Kodak Kodachrome 25  60/32

The lizard was a pet. I don’r recommend them for pets unless you really know what you are doing. Unlike most other geckos, they are nasty-tempered.

Editing was done with ACDSee Ultimate 2019. I adjusted the lighting and increased the contrast and clarity. Then I used the SmartErase and Repair (Clone) tools to remove the reflection of the flash from the pupil.

The photo was originally taken with a film camera, my first serious camera. The 1:1 indicates that the image on the color slide was life-size. On my laptop the image measures 55mm. That dimension on the slide was 24mm so the magnification on my laptop is 55/24 or slightly more that twice life size. It will, most likely, be different on your computer. Just measure the photo from top to bottom in milimeters and divide it by 24.

Photo © 1979 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.

#nature #animals #reptiles #herps #lizards #geckos #pets #macros #closeups #photography

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What do you think?

17 Points

Written by Gary J Sibio


    • Most geckos nicer than the Tokay. I have two Leopard Geckos as pets and they bite but they are so small compared to the Tokay that it’s kinda laughable when they do. You barely feel it.
