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“Talk To The Paw…..” – Animal Challenge “If They Could…” #23

This Animal Challenge“If They Could….” started by lacho59  is still going on and any time is good if you want to join us. Just click on the purple letters to learn about proposition and start posting pictures of animals, along with your funny comments in their behalves. 🙂


This is Spook. Well, it’s Spook’s paw, but the reason for not seeing him is that he tries to sleep. Again. For hours…. Cats are amazing animals, they sleep 26 hours a day. How? They sleep fast, so they could catch enough sleep. Like ninjas. 😀

Spook is no different than other cats and sleeping is his favorite pastime. So, when he falls asleep no one, I mean NO ONE is allowed to wake him up. I tried once, and that’s how this picture was made. The answer was: “Talk to the paw, human, talk to the paw. I am not available until I get my daily limit of beauty sleep.”

I am so lucky that cats have no flexible fingers, so this is a picture of a whole paw and won’t be deleted for obscenity…. 😀

  • Question of

    Do you like Spook?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don’t like cats
  • Question of

    Do you find Spook amusing?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
  • Question of

    Would you like to read more stories about him?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I prefer other cats


What do you think?

10 Points


          • At least I am retired and don’t have to worry about losing my job over it. But law or no law they will still light fires. We had an arsonist near my home in southern California who was arrested for having set 9 fires and causing unimaginable damage to wild animals, people, and property just this summer.
