I’m wondering what kind of experience you have with weight loss products.
I recommend that you do not use any weight loss products …..
- It is not healthy
- Mostly they have not been scientifically proven to function
- collections
- spending money
- When you lose weight with them, you will throw away only water, so the fat remains
Change the way of life and especially nutrition, eat more smaller meals a day and engage in sport …..If you do not have time for sports, you can also take a walk or some aerobic activity (running, cycling, orbiting, swimming) … it is important that this activity lasts for more than half an hour because the melting of fat deposits begins only after 20-30 minutes depending on the person ..
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Do you agree?
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Did you take slimming pills?
would never uses slimming aids as you never really know what the side effects are.
I agree that there is everything on the market, only verified uses should be used
I am starting to lose weight I have been using ATTAIN. It is a powder that helps mental and physical craving without anything bad in it. It is sweetened with Stevia, so it is not artificial. It is working!
I have not heard of ATTAIN.Have you corrected your diet?
It has helped my blood-sugar go back to normal, and I am not craving sweets anymore. If you want the link let me know.