
Realistic Expectations

The happiest people on the planet have realistic expectations. They don’t oversell or undersell the value of an experience. They aim for that sweet spot. Life isn’t all trimmed roses with no thorns, and that is just fine.  It’s the entire experience, the moments makes a difference, and we don’t know the complete story until the end. What seemed life changing today, may not look the same in thirty years. Practice taking things in stride. Hope for perfect, expect it to be as it is suppose to be right now, whatever that might be.

This takes practice. You’ve been told to ask the Universe and it will be provided. I say ask the Universe for what you desire and then go after it.

I am 5ft tall. I can wear heels. That is my only option for being any taller. I choose to not let that be a concern, at all. My expectation is that 5ft is fine and if I have to shrink all is well.

Dream big, work for it and expect that you will get what is meant to be.

  • Question of

    Does this make sense to you?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you get disappointed often?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you a realist?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter