Well, I’m close to my mother and sometimes I do “protest” by drawing comics (and showing her) on things that I wish would be more fair… Although I usually failed, like in this case (but oh well, this whole thing started because I am lazy to spring clean my room LOL) … it’s still “better” to protest with “humour”, right?
Question of
Do you think the same about your mother?
Question of
Do you hate cleaning so much you tried to find “evidence” to prove it’s Ok to be messy?
Question of
Do you enjoy the Pic-blog?
This was a fun comic! Moms are always the prosecutor and the judge at the same time, lol.
Haha, glad to know I’m not the only one feeling this way :p
My mother was a heavy nagger but rarely applied to me for she knows me that I…
Err… you’re deaf? lol :p
just kidding btw
You know… She assumes that I am a good boy in her eyes, …at home.
Wow, now you need to teach me some of those skills …
That is a secret recipe. Wait for the book published with the title “Uncover the secret to be a boy who looks good in the eyes of parents”
Do you have a girl version? lol
I have an alien version. lol.
No, I have only this real version, everywhere.