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Photo 200102: Reminders

I was cleaning my wall in my home office, just in front of my working desk. These are a few notes written by my eldest son when he was younger. These are actually reminders for me to be happy, stay calm and perhaps not yell (at him).

He is going to be 11 years old soon. I wonder if he will still write little notes like this. I feel guilty for still not being the mom I want to be and I just yelled at him about a month ago, I know I am learning and progressing. I am still working on my “assignment” – to be a better mom.

I have torn down these notes. Perhaps I will put on some other reminders soon.


Picture credit:@kaka135

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  • Do you have some notes that serve as reminders in your home?

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Written by kaka135


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    • I understand that better now as I have kids from toddler to tween now, and they are really different and unique in different stages or ages. Sometimes I forget to treasure the moments, and I keep reminding myself not to worry about the future but live in the moment. 🙂

      Thanks for reminding or sharing your experiences.

      • happy to do so, i started writing some of those memories and moments down (my wander project) because of that.

        my favorite all-time ages.

        when my daughter was 2 years old she was amazing.

        When the twins were 3 they were amazing.

        And now, becuase it is fun to have conversations with them (twins are 21, daughter is 26)

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