Do you remember that famous speech? There are some speeches I was taught about in school or I learned from watching TV or reading books. But there are some that I knew nothing about. The tweets inspired me to do additional research to know more.
Swami Vivekananda delivered his speech at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, IL, in 1893, and began it with the words, “Sisters and Brothers of America”. When someone starts out like that, it makes you want to hear what else they have to say. This gentleman played an integral role in bringing the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. He is revered by the people of India and his birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day.
It does not matter that I have seen several movies about Queen Elizabeth. Bette Davis as QueenElizabeth. Glenda Jackson as Queen Elizabeth. Helen Mirren as QueenElizabeth. I could watch a hundred more movies. I have always been fascinated with the Virgin Queen. She struck me as a force to be reckoned with.
“Let tyrants fear… I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too.” Elizabeth I delivered her famous speech #OTD in 1588 to troops at Tilbury Camp awaiting the Spanish invasion.
— Historic Royal Palaces (@HRP_palaces) August 19, 2018
I have no doubt this speech is very significant. However, in America, when South Africa is mentioned, we usually only hear references to speeches made by the late NelsonMandela. May 10, 1994, Nelson Mandela was sworn in as the President of South Africa. If 1994 marked the end of apartheid in SouthAfrica, then historians feel that this speech, delivered by Harold Macmillan, UK Prime Minister, in 1960, marked the beginning of the end of apartheid.
"The wind of change is blowing through the continent." #OnThisDay in 1960, UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan delivered his famous speech acknowledging the end of the British Empire in Africa. To find out what happened during #ThisWeekInHistory click here:
— Dean Allen (@Dr_DeanAllen) February 3, 2020
Most people quote memorable words from the Gettysburg Address delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863. However, this famous speech which he made on June 16, 1858, BEFORE he became President when he was running for a seat in the Senate, is equally as memorable and just as important to the building of the United States of America. He lost the Senate race but got elected as POTUS 3 years later.
On This Day in History in 1858, Abraham Lincoln warns in a famous speech of the risks of America becoming a “house divided.” He had just won the nomination to run for Senate against one of the most important politicians in the nation, Stephen A. Douglas.
— History Classroom (@HistClassroom) June 16, 2019
In my estimation of the measure of a man, Frederick Douglass is one of 3 Historical Figures That Contributed to America’s Greatness.
On the Fourth of July, 1852, America celebrated its freedom. Frederick Douglass, America’s most famous anti-slavery activist, saw no ground to celebrate. That holiday, he delivered the greatest anti-slavery speech in American history. Its relevance endures today.
— The Guardian (@guardian) July 5, 2018
In my estimation of the measure of a woman, Sojourner Truth is one of 3 Historical Figures That Contributed to America’s Greatness.
Ain't I a Woman?
"Remembering Strong Women"#SojournerTruth #AintIaWoman #womensrights #strongwomen #Respect #love #rememberingstrongwomen #bestwomen #famousspeech #inspiration #herwords #staystrong #youcan #theolfactorcandleco— The Olfactor Candle Co. (@OlfactorCo) February 1, 2019
* For my generation, December 7, 1941, was a notable day in America’s history. For my kids, it was September 11, 2001.
“December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” FDR #alohapearlharbor #hawaii #history #famousspeech
— Aloha Pearl Harbor (@alohatourph) June 8, 2019
Do you remember a famous speech?
These were very cool. I enjoyed them.
There are many famous speeches remembered
I enjoyed President Trump’s speech.
Which one? He makes a lot of speeches. Do you mean his last SOTU just after all that impeachment stuff was about to blow over?
The State of the Union.