
“Jesus’s tears”…

Hoia carnosa arrived in our region from South China and Indonesia.Because of its characteristic appearance, it is called the “wax world”, and because of the drops that often drop out and “Jesus’s tears”.Leaves are fleshy, egg shaped, skin texture. Flowers are star-shaped, small, white, with a pink dressing that looks like it’s wax. Bloom from spring to autumn. The smell is pleasant, especially flying. On the petals there are drops of honey rose, which in the sunlight shine in rainbow colors.Keep in mind that the blossom is always formed on the same stem, so do not accidentally remove it after the precipitation – so that next year you will have flowers in the same place.It is mandatory for her to provide support in the form of a pyramid and a spade – namely, Hoyi is very hard to keep her upright for her hard and heavy flowers.Hoya carnosa lives very long, and is very easy to breeding, and suitable for beginners in horticulture. Get Hoya, and enjoy both its beautiful look and the effect it will have on your air!

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Written by Branka Drobnjak