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It’s October! Let’s Celebrate Pizza!

October is a wonderful month in the USA.  Halloween is celebrated on the last day of the month.  But from the very beginning of the month and throughout the month, either on certain days of the month or for the entire month, we celebrate Italian-American Heritage, we celebrate apples, we celebrate hair, we celebrate teachers, we celebrate our bosses, we celebrate coffee, cookies, and tacos.

Americans celebrate a lot of things during this month.  One of my favorite things that we celebrate is PIZZA!  October is National Pizza Month.  I know that there are people all around the world who love pizza.  How do I know this?  Because I have a foodie page on the Google Plus social network and I created a G+ Collection called Pizza Craving.  It has over 45,000 followers and they are from all around the world!!

Hope you are enjoying the month of October.  Is there anything special you’re celebrating?

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Links of Interest:

National Day Calendar: October

15 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in October | Mental Floss

  • Question of

    The word October is from the Latin language and it means “eighth month”.

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    For October, do you plan to or have you already started celebrating your love of pizza?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is there something special you celebrate during October?

    • Yes
    • No


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