Let’s be honest. We need to take a good hard look if this is worth the time frustration. Let’s take a look at the facts.
We have been paid in the past.
Sometimes there are people in support to help.
There are many glitches.
The site has not been up for an entire 24 hours straight in at least seven days.
- Virily has made no effort to contact the writers through email, Facebook, Twitter or Chat.
The last point is what is most concerning for me. If the owner cared about the people providing the content, they would communicate. I am not certain the site is considered running now. Unless they communicate I think it is fair to say the site is on autopilot and the owner is milking the end for all it’s worth. If someone one was working on the problem and cared if we stayed they would say so. IF the site comes back up I am going to post this. If I don’t hear from Virily after this is up 24 hours, I will have my answer.
Respect is a two way street. We kept writing every time the site was up. The very least they could do is let us know what is going on. It’s past time to get real.
What do you think, are you satisfied?