
In Reply to Alex: Are You a Fan of Quora?

People don’t earn by answering questions posted on the Answer and Question platform. A few get selected who are then put in the payroll.

However, there are several of getting involved in the platform.

1. It’s part of learning. Some require research which deepen your understanding of a subject. Also, it gives you an idea for an article.

2. It is fun and a form of psychological therapy from stress.

3. I like helping or answering to questions that I’m aware of. Those I don’t, I research. Talk about my calling, teaching, and gift, writing.

4. It’s a great avenue of directing traffic to your blog or site. Although don’t overdo it. You night be banned from the platform.

5. You are building your brand as an expert on a subject or several subjects. One ways of being recognized online. Who knows? You might get an email I private message to offer writing services. 

Earning an average of 14,000 views a week and having more than 60 followers; there are endless opportunities in utilizing the platform.

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What do you think?

Written by Benny


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