You are a dreamer with a pen,
Your mind drifts to unseen lands,
To find worlds of love and life,
Which take shape in your mind.
You choose each word like a jeweler does,
To find the perfect gem,
You see your work come to life,
Much before it flows through your pen,
Wrestling with strong emotions,
You feel their love and hate,
You sculpt each words down to shape,
Every little stroke determining their fate,
You drench your every word with love,
And become one with them,
For it is your dreams, your emotions,
That flows right out of your pen!
Question of
Do you think my description here is right?
Question of
Do you think of yourself as a writer?
That is a lovely poem and very true I write a lot and I know often what I feel I write down on paper.
from the nib, of the pen as the ink flows to the paper – what connects the writer to the ink?