We play a lot of guessing games. For anyone who may not be familiar with the word, here’s a definition. A guess is an estimate or conjecture. Some synonyms are an assumption, hypothesis, speculation, or even a guesstimate.
The rules are pretty loose. Someone makes a statement like “My assumption would be that Ben has $5.00 in his pocket. Then everyone holds up a red card if they believe the guess wrong and a green card if they think the guess is right. Some of the answers we never really know, so when you think they are trying to give an unknown you hold up both a red and green card. That action is fast and it can be fun.
If you are looking for a fun little game with family and friends for an evening. Be sure they understand that a guess is not an accusation or even an opinion. It’s a guess and sometimes it is not even an educated one.
Question of
Does your family play guessing games?
Question of
Have you ever guess the number of beans in the jar?
Question of
Is charades a guessing game?
Really nice post.I like it.
Interesting post. Sometimes life can be a guessing game if people are unclear with their communication.