I went from Dad is buried and we are moving forward. I am going to be peaceful and heal, to more chaos. You may remember my plan was “Feel stress, Acknowledge it, Change the thought process, Move forward. I am simply going to repeat it as many times as I must until I can learn to get rid of the stressors, in one way or another.”
Well, I realized my phone was a stressor! Even when people were calling with great news I was annoyed that I had to answer the phone. I had things to get accomplished. So I took the phone, put it out in the car and decided on a time to return calls. My husband saw the phone out in the car and brought it in for me. It was kind of him, and I needed a new thought process for the phone.
Stressor – my sister realizes she left things in the house so far away that she needs, the keys to her house and things here. Choice ~ make a midnight run and get back in time for work. I need a new thought process.
Stressor ~Furnace is broken and it’s -4. Do whatever it takes to fix the furnace before Bro comes home and freezes. We made it happen and fixed it ourselves because no one could get out here for three days.
I need more practice with this whole process.
Question of
Do you ever have to try many plans?
Question of
Do you ever feel like you are running on empty?
Rinse, wash, repeat. That is what we have to do in life. Especially when events happen. Keep going, you got this.