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Horses in the volcano island of Taal volcano

With the recent eruption of the Taal volcano, the island is locked that people are not allowed to go there. However, with the animals that seemed to be trapped in the island, the authorities are giving a window of 4 hours in the morning for the residents to rescue their animals.

The volcano island is a resort and tourists go there not only to climb the small volcano but also to dine in the eateries and ride a horse for the experience. Based on the report that the island has a population of 500 horses that means there are 500 horses to be rescued. And that doesn’t include the goats and other animals. The main problem in the rescue is that they use only the small boats that are there in the lake that can carry only 1 horse or 2 at any time. If the volcano erupts again, the remaining animals in the island might not be able to survive.

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Written by Alex Socorro


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