When I was young, the main road in our town has very few vehicles passing that we children could play in the middle of the road. We never thought that traffic will be the order of the day in that particular road.
In everywhere we go in Asia, the traffic is the usual problem. Thailand has its share, Indonesia and even Malaysia. Hongkong and Singapore are doing good with their trains and buses but I think they also experience heavy traffic during rush hours. The only solution to the traffic is to ban all the private vehicles on the road but that would need a very effiecient and effective mass transport system.
Do you heavy traffic in the roads?
Traffic is already part of daily life in Jakarta, Indonesia but not in the rest of the cities.
Singapore is the best one IMO on how they maintained theirs traffics.
This time of the year is very busy.
Here is heavy traffic too but mostly in the mornings and evenings, when people finish their works
We also have huge traffic here