Google claims to have invented the world’s fastest computer, but IBM has expressed its concerns. Google claims that one of its latest computers has achieved the “quantum edge” for the first time. This is a new milestone in the field of computer processing. According to the report, the world’s best supercomputers, which took ten thousand years to work, Google’s fastest computer did the job in just 200 seconds. Details of this Google milestone were published in the scientific journal ‘Nature’. According to Google, this breakthrough could be a revolutionary step in the world of computers and digital technology. The head of the company, Sundar Pichai, describes the breakthrough as the first rocket successfully launched into space and made it possible to travel between planets in the universe.
The world’s largest companies such as Microsoft, IBM and Google have long been committed to the pursuit of quantum technology. IBM has raised concerns about Google’s claim. The company says Google has misunderstood the capabilities of IBM’s Supercomputer. The company said that IBM’s super computers are capable of solving complex tasks very quickly And the work that Google claims will be completed in ten thousand years can actually finish IBM’s supercomputer in just two and a half days.
IBM added that quantum computers will never replace traditional computers, but both technologies have their own capabilities.
Google has responded to criticism from IBM that it has tested the actual supercomputer in its quantum computer processing experience and is firmly on its claim to success. Google says the computer world has entered a new era with its success.
Question of
Has Google really invented a computer that does ten thousand years of work in just two hundred seconds ?
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If so, then won’t the computer world revolution?
I don’t think the computer’s speed can still be enhanced with marked improvements unless they revise the architecture.
This looks terribly complicated to me.