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Give Him Enough Rope to Hang Himself

He spends a lot of time in front of that television. He watches those old westerns that he has seen 1000 times and even records them. It doesn’t hurt anyone. He seems pretty happy about it, but sometimes things pop out that maybe should have stayed in. Not because what he said is “wrong”, but some people might no understand it. 

Recently he was reading and his perception was that a man was writing and being very mean, aggressive and rude to me. He was all up in arms. Finally he noticed that it just rolled on and on. His rant ended and he said  “Never mind, you given’ him enough rope that all his words and actions are enough to hang himself. I don’t have to stop him, he’s done a fine job of outing himself.

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    Are familiar with the term “just give him enough rope to hang himself?”

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    • No
  • Question of

    Do you watch shows over and over?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by Ghostwriter