That old business acronym is TANSTAAFL: “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” Is especially true on the internet. It ought to be common sense that a “free” service almost always has a cost to it. It could be the advertising you need to look at, maybe it is that mailing list you need to sign up for, it may be something else completely, but there is no such thing as “free” on the internet.
The most common trap people fall into are ads of this variety: “FREE Scan! You can scan your computer for malware FOR FREE!” The advertisement is 100% accurate and is free. The parts that are not-so-free, is if you want to do anything about the results the scan finds, pay. It’s a common marketing tactic. Less reputable vendors lie to you directly. They warn you of malware and other scary things you don’t have, or that are no issues. All sold to you to make it seem that giving them your cash to repair it is the only way to avoid certain doom.
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Free Malware scans always result in finding malware that requires money to fix!
Virily, itself is a free service sustained by ads.
great post, and a great warning. Free is only good, if the item had value before it was made free. Oh yeah and even then free has to mean no strings!
I couldn’t say it any better, thanks Doc. Lately, I’m going through all my research notebooks,(spring cleaning in the winter, go figure.) and I’m coming across some “old” course material. some stuff has value and is still valid the other stuff hit the trash can with the speed of light. The exercise was a worthwhile one as I found an affiliate program waiting for me to claim $115 from my sales, which I transferred successfully into my PayPal account. This where I found material for my recent articles. Thanks for commenting.
found money is the best kind of money of all – it is not planned for!
thanks – I liked the article I think your discussion point around the reality of free was interesting I am glad you brought it up!