There can be many factors that contribute to problem with vision. Stress, weak muscles, and other issues that play a part.
Many ophthalmologists believe that exercises can be helpful. Dr. Rober-Michael Kaplan introduced a video entitled Eyerobics that offers a number of exercises and relaxation that he believes can help with some vision problems. The muscles are important so the eyes can focus.Perhaps following a series of eye exercises could be beneficial for many of use. The results might be very positive.
It is a much debated issue, however no one has ever said the exercises are bad for your eyes.
Question of
Would you ever consider exercises for your eyes?
Question of
Do you wear glasses?
Thank you for sharing this wonderful health information.
I am glad you enjoyed. I now exercise my eyes daily.
My pleasure to learn new things on this site to keep healthy.
I do believe that certain eye exercises could help eyesight. Great information!
Thank you. I now exercise my eyes every morning and evening, we’ll so how it works.