Our home is not normal. I get it! Then again, what is normal and how do things get so out of whack. I wonder often if I don’t really “see” people’s needs and do my part to let them know. I wonder if it happens in other areas of my life, here, at home, with the neighbors, and that list can go on and on.
Today my husband said, “Why don’t you ever make breakfast during the week?”
“Well, I get up at 3:00 and go to work. I could get up at 2:00 if you want breakfast then.”
Taking people and things for granted is something that I don’t want to do and I need to check myself.
Please let me know how this clip makes you feel.
Question of
Do you ever feel like no one understands?
Question of
Did the clip make you think?
Question of
Do we forget and sometimes take people for granted?
Question of
Are we great at saying thank you?
What a great reminder in this video. All about the little things in life.
Thanks for sharing this!
Nice job on inserting the link and icons. 🙂