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Capsule wardrobe

We all love classics, but the classic “so many clothes and nothing to wear” can no longer be a theme these days. However, the truth is that some boldness is needed when choosing the ideal pieces for our body type, without letting our identity be lost.

Why have a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a self-knowledge tool that can help you reflect on what you have and what you really need, allowing you to adjust your clothes to your style.Going through this process is a lifestyle change for a more practical, lighter and happier day to day life. Before starting, it is important to be aware that each one of us has its essence and, therefore, it makes less and less sense to follow all the fashion trends that we are bombarded with daily and run to the stores to buy on impulse. Less is always more! It is better to have few pieces that you will actually use several times than a wardrobe full of items that you can’t even combine with each other and that only causes you stress when choosing what to wear.

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Written by nela13


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