I am so excited about this word I can hardly stand it! We are really good at doing this in the United States. We all form our little (or big) groups and try to blame someone else for everything that happens. (It may happen everywhere, but I know it does here.)
Try and watch an awards show. I have no idea who won, but I know who is getting blamed for everything.
“We” as a society gather to blame someone else for all our woes. Donald Trump seems to be taking the brunt of it now. Does he deserve it? He probably deserves some of it, and still I am not sure he is responsible for all the woes in the world.
There was lots of talk about the G7 and Trump standing up for his beliefs. There’s been very little chatter about the signing of the agreement for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. It could be that the piece of paper won’t amount too much, and still no one got a signature like this.
Question of
Do you ever get caught up in blamestorming?
Question of
Does society always need scapegoats?
Blaming everyone else for one’s own problems is a symptom of a society where people are no longer taught to take responsibility for their own actions. This is caused by the breakdown of the family unit, I firmly believe. Kids get away with anything and everything. They grow up to become adults who THINK that they should get away with anything and everything. Since that is an obvious thinking error, they cover it with other thinking errors; blaming, pity pots, playing the victim, and justification. That starts with parents who think it is okay to do things like giving awards to kids who didn’t earn them and who don’t punish their kids for wrong-doing.
Trump is blamed for everything, including things he couldn’t have possibly had anything to do with, and isn’t given credit for a huge amount of good that he’s done. Most of that comes from the mainstream media who still feel somehow cheated because the American people voted for Trump. The media’s poster-child is Hilary who has yet to stop blaming anything she can think of for her defeat, except the one person who is directly responsible…the one that looks back at her every morning when she looks in the mirror.
Blaming others is senseless. if people would just take care of their problems, the world would be better off. if people could just help to fix their concerns, then better days could follow.