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Beauty of Kohistan

Hi friends. Kohostan is the district of Kheber Pukhtoon Kha in the start of Northern Areas. The picture which is share is the valley of handook near to main Shahra e Karakorum. This valley is famous for walnut (the dry Fruit). Here most of the people have numbers of walnut trees. This dry Fruit is the also source of their income. Handook valley is the important valley of Kohistan because tourist from the other cities of Pakistan as well as from abroad visting here during summer session. In the season of winter, this area also facing heavy snowfall. You can see the living style of the people in the picture. It is so much different from the cities. Houses constructed maintaining space from each other. You can also see the houses in the forest. The people of this valley live very simple life. The satisfied and happy people.

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